December 9, 2021

Support for Local Authorities to Deliver £1.5bn of Funding for Energy Efficiency Projects

The government have promised £1.5bn to support energy efficiency projects across the UK and Effective Energy Group are ready to help Local Authorities access this funding.

Yesterday, the government announced the successful bidders for the Sustainable Warmth Scheme Competition. After bids were submitted in August 2021, this scheme will give a total of £430m to Local Authorities to upgrade owner occupier and private rented properties. 40 Local Authorities and 57 projects will now have the funding they need, and the work is to be completed over the next two years.

However, there is still plenty of funding available from the government’s total budget.

On the 16th of October 2021, the government announced another scheme available to Local Authorities. The Home Upgrade Grant Scheme has £950m of funding to help fuel poor households in the private sector over a 3-year period. The bidding for this funding opens in the first quarter of 2022.

How Can Effective Energy Group Help Local Authorities?

Effective Energy Group are offering their support to any Local Authorities looking to make a bid. The company has over 10 years’ experience of successfully accessing funding and delivering funded energy efficiency projects for Local Authorities, Housing Associations, and energy companies.

As the leading energy efficiency and retrofit solutions provider in the UK, Effective Energy Group have everything you need to deliver your project:

  • In-house team of retrofit coordinators
  • In-house insulation and heating installers
  • National network of independent, local installers
  • Experience in managing scheme compliance and regular progress reports

Whether you need someone to undertake elements of a project or to manage the whole project itself, Effective Energy Group are happy to lend their services.

For support with bidding or project delivery, please email

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