March 22, 2022

TrustMark Lodgement Mismatches

TrustMark have recently updated the Data Warehouse to facilitate the changes of lodgements that have mismatch data between Ofgem and the Data Warehouse. All installers that are active with TrustMark should have received an email confirming the changes that have been put in place.

The update to the Data Warehouse should allow you to locate the original lodgement and update it so that the cross check from Ofgem no longer returns an error by amending the relevant fields. Below are the areas we are aware can and can’t be amended as part of the process.

This new function will allow the following to be amended by individual measure.

  • TMLN, where the incorrect TMLN has been entered or completely missed when using the ‘sub-contractor’ field – where it can be validated
  • Variant of the same measure type
  • Property Construction (which will affect all measures in the lodgement)
  • Handover Date – where it can be validated that the measure was held at that time

The function will not allow.

  • The adding of measures that have been missed from superseded lodgements
  • Change of measure that is not a variant of what was previously lodged

A User Guide is available to support this function, which with the Data Policy can be found here: TrustMark – Data Warehouse & Property HUB

To fix measures that are in a ‘Superseded’ status, please provide the new TrustMark lodgement details and we will update these with the relevant Utility Company.

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